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Grow your potential

We know how much our people are capable of. That’s why we make sure we provide the right environment, learning tools and encouragement to seize every opportunity and rise to every challenge. We see your potential. And by helping you build the career you’ve always wanted, you’ll discover growth that’s truly limitless.

As a team manager, you would also be encouraged to create a positive environment for learning and development of team members and engage with them to enable growth within and outside the teams. 

Internal mobility

Offering our employees stimulating career opportunities within or across functions and countries has always been part of our DNA. And indeed, in 2023, 33% of our vacancies have been filled by internal employees
(33% in 2022, 39% in 2021 and 43% in 2020).
Discover how far you will go with us!

LinkedIn Learning

Our partnership with LinkedIn Learning provides access to top notch learning programs and courses. Employees benefit from over 20,000 courses: available in 11 different languages. This provides an ongoing and unique opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere and from any device, and to easily embed learning into your working day.
In line with our "Learning for all" approach, it allows our employees to learn for and by themselves, taking responsibility for their own development and enables them to be the best at their job today, and to prepare their future.

Fatih talks about his professional growth at AXA Germany

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Christoph, AXA Asia & Africa Market

“You learn a lot about yourself when you experience extraordinary personal development. Especially when you’re working closely with senior leaders. That was the opportunity I was given in 2016 when I started out as an executive assistant. I brought in my talents and got the best guidance on how to use them. I was also able to take part in leadership preparation courses (called LABs) which helped in the daily work with my team. After just two years, I became Head of Claims Analytics which gave me confidence, energy and the chance to learn about the world of data science.  Two years later, I was added to the international talent list of AXA Germany, which gives visibility to people who are open for global mobility. Suddenly, I was approached by AXA International and New Markets in Madrid, which oversees 20 emerging markets on four continents between Singapore and Bogota. I was so excited to become their new Head of Claims – and surprised how clear and simple the move actually was. I didn’t have to worry about legal, tax, searching for a house…everything had been organised for me. It was a big move, and I had a moment of uncertainty. But I intuitively trusted AXA. Because AXA trusted me.” 
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