group of people having a meeting

AXA in France

Working in AXA in France, it's being part of a big family. Every day, we act together to invent the best way to protect our 7.1 million customers in France. We want to empower everyone to live a better life. A challenge that makes you smile and want to get up in the morning. Want to know more?

Discover all the opportunities in France by clicking here

About us

Some roles we offer

two men talking
Risk Manager
professional woman
Claims Manager
woman walking
Solution Architect
professional man
Product Owner

What does progress look like?

Making sure our people feel included, empowered and connected is very important to us. That’s why we’ve been working hard to create a new onboarding experience that concentrates particularly on building up newcomers’ social links. From introducing them to a sharing community with 1,000+ members to setting up #Digital coffees with expert employees, we give AXA a human face from day one. We’ve even started a program for linking up our people across the generations to make sure our new starters can access all areas. That’s all combined with delivering the right content at the right time, from a series of Welcome@AXA emails to help people get their bearings over time, to a 360° virtual onboarding environment for a complete digital experience.
colleages sat a table with laptops

Hear from our team

“I love being useful to so many people. A young person starting out in life and wanting to know how to save money. A business leader who needs advice on protecting herself and her employees. An elderly person who wants the security health insurance brings. The fact is, we’re useful to everyone!”

Séverine BRETTE
Agent général d’assurance exclusif, AXA France

I can see the opportunities all around

We create the opportunities. You’ll be able to grab them. From a global mobility program that allows you to take your career down a brand new path, to Learning and Development opportunities that give you a whole new set of skills, we give you the chance to shape your own future.